About Us
The Takapuna Beach Business Association (TBBA) is the collective voice of Takapuna Beach businesses and a strong advocate for business in the area. The Association is here to represent, support and help local businesses.
Our Vision is for Takapuna to be: “Where you want to Live, Work and Play”.
Our Mission is: “To enhance the economic, social and environmental landscape of Takapuna through bold advocacy, active promotion and enabling business excellence”.
The TBBA is a registered incorporated society that has been operating since 1948. It is governed by a board of governance made up of local business representatives from the Takapuna Business Improvement District (BID) area, as well as a constitution and compliance with Auckland Council’s Business Improvement District policy. Details of area governed by the Business Improvement District for the Takapuna Beach Business Association can be found HERE.
The Board of Governance of the TBBA meets on a monthly basis to manage the Association and its actions. Our strategic plan can be found here.
Members are welcome feedback to the BID manager or any board members on any issues within Takapuna or the business environment or address the Board at our monthly meetings.
Each year the TBBA holds an Annual General Meeting in September, where it reviews its actions from the previous year as well as sets new business plans and budgets for the upcoming year. Our 2024 Annual Report can be found HERE. General AGM details and further documentation can be found here. Nominations are also taken for membership of the governance board, please get in touch with the BID Manager for details.
If you would like further information about how the BID operates, please get in touch with the BID Manager here.
To view the Rules of the Takapuna Beach Business Association, click here.
Membership of the TBBA:
A person shall be entitled to be a Full member of the association if the person: Owns or is the tenant of a commercially rated property within the Business Improvement District; and has correctly completed by the Association’s full membership registration form and that the form has been received by the secretary.
TBBA has an Associate Membership available for business that fall outside our BID map area with an annual membership fee please get in touch with us to find out more about the benefits and to become an Associate Member.
Benefits of membership include:
- Advocacy – Advocating to local, regional and national decision makers for improving the business environment for your business.
- Advertising – advice and assistance with your advertising needs.
- Directory Listing – a free directory listing on the TBBA website.
- Events and Promotions – an opportunity to participate in seasonal TBBA events and promotions.
- Networking Opportunities – invitation to business networking meetings, business seminars and other business and social events.
- Newsletters – the TBBA sends out two kinds of newsletters regularly for Businesses and Consumers.
- Weekly Business Newsletter – keep informed with local and community events and activities which may affect your business, as well as pertinent business information, updates and resources
- Fortnightly Consumer Newsletter – provide us with content about your business such as promotions and new offerings to be sent out to consumers
- Social Media – promote your business by sharing your content with us.
- Voting Rights – registered full TBBA members are eligible to vote at the TBBA Annual General Meeting (AGM).